Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday, April 13th

MIND - So far today, I've yet to really dedicate time to caring for my mental health and happiness. Although, blogging is one of the most powerful stress-relieving outlets I have in my "toolbox". So, I suppose that I can count this post as a concerted effort in the name of tending to my emotional well-being. I am going to get rid of some books, CDs and DVDs, which is good for staying organized and de-cluttered and, therefore, encourages mental clarity. I just lit some Nag Champa as well, which almost immediately lifts my mood. Finally, I am taking this time and space to commit to at least five minutes of meditation.
About meditation: it is something that I've toyed with for the past four-five years but I've never fully dedicated myself to a regular practice. I think that I have fear associated with the practice, for some reason. Also, I have fed the belief that I lack the discipline necessary to meditate on a daily basis. However, both things are simply not true and are only thoughts.  I do not have to BE the thoughts I think, if I choose not to. That's just it, though: the choice is mine.
I want this blog to be a practice and an exercise in many things and I suppose daily meditation might as well be one of them. It's just five minutes, right? Even I have five minutes to spare to start myself moving in the right direction. I can build up stamina when I'm ready.

BODY - (Exercise/Output) I think something I just started doing unknowingly planted the seed which grew into the idea to blog about my journey to optimum health. Recently, I began marking on my (adorable puppy and kitty) calendar when I exercise and when I remain true to my commitment to eat just one serving. Yesterday I did about half of my Suzanne Deason Pilates DVD (Gaiam) of course to get good exercise, but also to balance the shitstorm of anxiety that was swirling in my chest about the medical testing I was to submit to. I received a Fulbright grant, you see, and before the Fulbright Commission can, in good conscience, send me to Germany to be an English teaching assistant, they first have to be certain that I will not be a medical liability. I know it's a good thing, but I have a primordial fear of going to the Doctor's office that stems primarily from being obese in my childhood and adolescence. I'm sure I'll delve more deeply into the subject of childhood obesity later, but I'll just say for now that I think it is a great tragedy that reaches far, far beyond childhood and I feel personally called to help bring an end to this epidemic in America; however, I can't yet say how I'll do that. I figure that starting this blog might be a way to head in that direction.
I have yet to get exercise for today; but, I am committing to my Winsor Pilates DVD before I leave for work and a walk after dinner. Not only does this help me let go of a lot of the poisonous memories and thoughts I've been holding on to, but it also aids digestion. :)
(Nutrition/Input) For breakfast I had two cups of coffee with 1% milk and hazelnut creamer, one cup of cereal with fresh strawberries and a splash of milk (I don't like a lot of milk in cereal!). For lunch, I had two Wasa crackers (excellent source of whole grains, healthy carbs and fiber!) with 2 Tbsp of mayo, one fresh Roma tomato, four slices of turkey and one slice of pepper jack cheese. I also had ten mini-rice cakes, ranch flavored (only 70 calories, thank you), and about a cup of curried lentil soup with a SMALL dollop of sour cream. I think that sounds like a lot of food, but it doesn't seem over the top. (I could very easily be wrong.) Maybe tomorrow I can just eat one Wasa cracker turkey sammich. I'll try it out and see if I am just as satisfied. I'll be focusing a lot on portion control, since that's the major battle I fight when it comes to eating: I am prone to eating too much. Even though I have my moments of eating junk, I'm pretty good about choosing healthy foods. So, my main focus right now is eating reasonable portions and training my eyes to know what they look like.
For dinner tonight, I'll make an herbed leek tart and have two to three small slices, along with a small-medium spinach salad.
Aside from the coffee I've had today, I'll be doing my best to drink four cups of water, or as much as I can stand. I am taking this time and space to dedicate myself to no carbonated beverages, as well as a maximum of two alcoholic beverages for (if and) when I drink on the weekends.

SPIRIT - Warning: for those readers who are offended by new agey crap, read no further!
This is the space where I co-create my reality with the Universe! I do so by asking that part of me, which is infinitely present, wise and peaceful (and inside of everyone!) what I really, really want, and I record the answers that well up. So, what do I really, really want?: to achieve optimum health; to be kind to myself; to live with purpose and meaning; to accept myself for who I am; to fall in the love with myself; to be multi-lingual; to be financially stable and healthy: NO DEBT!; and to leave a lasting impression on this world.
And, in turn, I ask the Universe to show me what it would have me be and do. I ask that I might serve a power and purpose that is much greater than me. Finally, I express much thanks and gratitude for this day and seek to do it justice.
Also, I re-commit to five minutes of meditation, as I believe that there is no better practice for my spiritual well-being.

Happy, Tuesday everyone! What are your goals and aspirations for today? In what ways have you taken care of all aspects of your Self today?

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