Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18th, part 3

In case anyone else out there is lactose intolerant and/or thinking of removing dairy from their diet, I found this helpful resource online:
"10 Ways to Get Enough Calcium if You're Lactose Intolerant."

It's worth mentioning, too, that I've thought about becoming fully vegetarian for many, many years. I count myself as a person who has a deep respect and love for all animals, but I've never totally abstained from eating meat for one reason or another. It's always easy to find excuses not to do something challenging, but I'm feeling more strongly about devoting myself to a vegetarian lifestyle. I do happen to enjoy vegetables much more than meat and I rarely cook meat, because I don't like handling it when it's raw. (I won't lie though, I love me some seafood!) Like anything new or different in terms of diet and exercise that I'm introducing to my life right now, I'll take it slow and easy. The 80 percent rule will always be applicable as well.
In the name of making educated decisions, I'm posting this link cause it's informative and useful, as well:
"How to Eat Protein Without Eating Meat."

PS -- Just got back from a walk! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this is exciting stuff! Good for you, walking. That's my goal--to do more of that. And maybe take one or two more yoga classes per week.

    The 80% vegetarian rule is a good idea--it jives with the Michael Pollan mantra: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

    Your friend sounds cool (and positive).

    Kudos to you about facing your lactose intolerance. I know the idea of no cheese must be scary--I'm pretty sure cheese works like sugar, though (in my experience). The more you're in the habit of eating it, the more you want, but I think when you have it less often, you don't get as much like a ravenous bear around it.

    Plus, cutting out cheese alone from one's diet--jeez, that prolly cuts as many calories as skipping out on alcohol.
