Monday, October 6, 2014


I've been doing some work with my awesome therapist on victimhood. The victim stance is a theme that has continued to have a presence in my life, albeit an elusive one. I don't always know what it looks like; I don't always know what  whispers in my ear; I don't always see how it pulls the strings. Thanks to the work we've done, though, it's becoming clearer and I am learning the salves: setting boundaries, standing up for myself and taking responsibility for my choices.
Another thing that helps is changing the stories I tell myself and other people. So, instead of: I've had a hard time recovering from depression, I can tell myself: I've had a hard time recovering from depression, BUT I'M STILL HERE. I am still putting one foot in front of the other. I am still doing the work and it hasn't killed me. That must mean that it is making me stronger. Getting curious about that is a much more productive outlet for my thoughts than wallowing in what can't be changed.

Today, I am grateful for:
1) the loving support of my partner and how he always tries to cheer me up
2) me. I've got me and that ain't bad.
3) setting boundaries. Feels good, yo.
4) Palak Paneer.
5) Michi's family
6) Social programs, y'all! Shit's to die for.
7) All of you, my darlings. ;)

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