Wednesday, January 25, 2012

woops, heheheh

This mernting was a doozer. Not long after getting in to work, I got wise to about three to seven different things that had been fucked up due, in some part, to me. Despair washed over me, as well as the urge to cry (ha, I wish that weren't true, but it so totally is), but I somehow didn't totally lose it. I remembered to breathe (probably thanks to this bloggy challenge, which is thanks to my super-boo Rayf) and managed to continue treading water throughout the rest of the day. This job feels to me like grad school, some how. And it's important to me to stay present each and every day, so that I not only learn heaps, but also because it's always all about the journey. I don't want to be white-knuckling and wincing through the entire process of getting my Seafight legs, because some part of me knows how unbelievably good and unfathomably valuable it is for me to suck at this before I get better. Also, I haven't actually talked about this to Rayf yet, but I can feel without any doubt that this job will forever change my life in a significant way. I clearly have no way of knowing how exactly, but I just know it will. In some ways it already has.
Alright, dearies. This bitch is headin to Veg-out Village before pullin into Sleepytown. See y'all hoes tomorrow.


  1. "part of me knows how unbelievably good and unfathomably valuable it is for me to suck at this before I get better." I like that.

  2. thanks Jacques. I'd def be curious to get an up-date about what's going on with you.
