Ahhh, the new year! There is nothing that appeals to my innate goal-planning than the ushering in of a new year. I did not personally have a terrible 2011 ... it was right as rain, though one of my dearest, closest friends had an awful 2011. So, in that sense, I am happy for her that it is behind us all. I know personally that about 2008-half of 2010 could have gone and fucked themselves for all I cared. It just goes to show that we all have our valleys.
I have been meditating on where my precious energy should go in the up-coming year. Not surprisingly, the top spots are occupied by nutrition and exercise, in that order. Which raises an important distinction between last year's bright-eyed ambitions: 1) finding love is not a goal for 2012 and 2) finding a challenging career in a city that I love that pays well isn't either (for much more exciting reasons)! Finding love has been something I've wanted for the past decade or so, which is not to say I would turn it down were it to find me now. But, enh, is all. You know what I mean? In case you don't, I mean that I will not slather tons of expectations for some great romance on this up-coming year. And number 2 is taking effect on January 15th, officially (translating German to English for a company here in H'burg)! Not too shabby, amirite?
This year I'd like to spend a lot, a lot of time on loving and caring for myself.
Some of my resolutions include: 1) riding my bike to work, 2) no red meat, no poultry, limited seafood and dairy products/incorporating lots of fruit and veg into my diet, 3) a 21-day detox, 4) 2-3 days a week of formal exercise and 5) my own apartment.
I'm going to sign off for now, but I know that I owe you a report on my travels in the US ...
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