Sunday, January 29, 2012

happy sunday

Whoa ... I am sitting here, looking at not only my new big-girl bed, but also a room full of furniture! It's hard to believe especially when think back to the day I moved in here with nothing more than a heap of clothes, books, toiletries and a couple lamps overflowing from blue, plastic ikea bags. It is fulfilling, but I feel tired when I imagine the day (that will probably come soon) I have to move out. I tell you, readership ... I have moved so many times since coming to Hamburg that it exhausts me just thinking about it. I am in that semi-homeless situation again ... you know, you have a place to live and everything you need (so in the most important and literal sense, I am obviously not homeless), but just the thought of going home makes you feel uncomfortable and a little sad. It's an awful feeling that I determined many years ago was really unhealthy for me, so it has to change ... but it simply cannot be remedied right away. Especially in this city, where finding a place to live can be like a no-so-intense hell. Let's call it Diet Hell (coming soon: Diet Cherry Vanilla Hell!). Anteeway, es wird sich was ergeben, as the Germans say. Which means something like, something will work out.
So that's partially what's been going on on the emotional front.
On the nutrition and exercise front, all has been quiet. Not in the sense that everything has been great (it hasn't been totally awful, either) but more in the sense that I feel I have not been giving it the time and attention it deserves and needs. My eating has been completely irregular, borderline chaotic at times. And I have not gotten the formal exercise I would have liked. Although, I have gotten at least some movement within this week, so that's more or less fine. I would like to add, that I have not yet safely landed in my current situation, which is still almost 100% foreign to me. I also had a visitor last week, which sometimes makes it difficult to adhere to routines.
I have been feeling really bloated and gross, which is a sign to me that my body wants more love and attention. I think the fact that I can recognize that, as opposed to proclaiming myself to be bloated and gross, is a sign that I am actually doing fairly well. Yes, I need to do more personal care-taking, but I recognize that and I am willing to do the work. So, all in all, I still feel like things are moving in a really positive, healthy direction.
More tomorrow ... :)


  1. Go head, guh! Keep moving in a direction that feels good and don't try to be perfect!
