If you've ever poked around the internets looking for weight loss inspiration, you've probably encountered this aggressive and condescending attitude towards exercise, which is primarily targeted at making people who feel frustrated and desperate about their weight ever shittier. Some taglines of this ilk include: "Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going." "There are only two options: make progress or make excuses." "How do you want to feel: fit or jealous?"
I hate this attitude and I do my best to avoid it at all costs.
This list my girl Stik posted online today is the antithesis of all that "No pain, no gain" BS. In fact, it may be the sanest health-related listicle I've ever read.
WELL SAID! I don't think I fully realized how much that "no pain, no gain" mindset has infecting my thinking and gotten in the way of seeing exercise as nurturing!